![](images/graphics/blueNews.gif) |
Elektra Montpellier - March 2 & 4,
2012 |
*Enfin, dans l’écrasant
rôle-titre, Janice Baird est ahurissante, du lever au tomber du
rideau. Elle rapproche Elektra d’Antigone selon Sophocle : ses
impulsions expressives et ses abyssales tensions mentales sont
alors coiffées par une philosophie de la destinée humaine,
condition qui donne vie à la figure du héros telle la Grèce
antique l’a créé. Ayant depuis longtemps ce rôle à son
répertoire, Janice Baird est de ces interprètes qui, jamais
satisfaits de ce qu’ils ont précédemment trouvé, sont illuminés
d’inquiétude et cherchent encore d’autres facettes. Sans être
ceux d’une Birgit Nilsson, ses moyens vocaux et ses énergies
sont conduits avec une intelligence absolument confondante. De
si hauts interprètes, à eux seuls, justifient que, en temps de
grave crise économique, les maisons d’opéra existent encore …
ResMusica- vendredi 9 mars 2012
click here to read ResMusica critique
*Janice Baird concentre ironie et ambivalence
depuis sa prodigieuse attitude initiale, sur les premiers mots
« Allein! Weh, ganz allein », jusqu’à cette fausse danse de
ménade qui évite bonds, gesticulations, ordinaire reptations
expressionnistes : elle marche, hallucinée, hors de toute
référence. Elle a été belle,. Intense, économe, voix percutante
que n’éprouvent ni l’âpre aigu, ni l’assiette du médium grave,
la soprano américaine s’affirme comme l’Elektra de notre temps.
Opéra Magazine – Patrice Henriot Avril 2012
*ELEKTRA de Strauss, électrise le Corum grâce à une superbe
Janice Baird
"Elektra" c'est le rôle dans d'une femme, et quelle femme. En
l'occurence Janice Baird qui conserve une maîtrise remarquable
de ce rôle éprouvant entre tout et à bien des égards, elle n'a
pas lésiné sur ses moyens vocaux mais aussi scéniques, écrasant
par sa présence un plateau qui, pourtant étai homogène. Mais
ainsi l'a voulu Strauss: pas de concession dans cette femme
marquée par l'assasinat de son père et qui retrouvera
-peut-être- une sort de quiétude. Janice Baird a empli la salle,
elle est incontestablement la plus belle Electre de notre époque.
Plus d'un spectateur a été pantois devant la présence vocale
hors pair.
Opmuda Avril 2012
click here to read Opmuda critique
*Une belle Elektra
un frémissement gourmand agite tout le public. Dans le rôle
d'Elektra, Janice Baird surprend dès son arrivée par un physique
relativement frêle, inattendu en tout cas dans ce type d'emploi.
Janice apparait tel un animal blessé: féline agressive, corps
érotisé par la peur et esprit sublimé par la haine, elle tourne
autour de tous les personnages et les manipule dans le seul but
de venger l'assassinat de son père! Cette mobilité obsessionelle
contraste une voix d'acier, égale sur toute lla tessiture, des
graves abyssaux de la douleur aux aigus paranoiaques de triomphe.
L'investissement de l'actrice, impressionnante dans sa haine
furiese mais capable aussi de trouver dans la reconnaissance
d'Oreste les accents d'abandon et de tendresse nécessaires. Le
Dann sterb ich seliger al ich gelebt est à se damner!
La Gazette Max Trebosc jeud 8 mars 2012
click here to read La Gazette critique
*Du coup, sur scène, personne ne vocifère, sourtout pas l'Elektra
bouleversée et bouleveresante de Janice Baird, qui modère les
ardeurs de son soprano supersonique pour sculpter le mot et la
phrase musicale avec la plénitude d'un coucher de soleil sur
Diapason E.D. avril 2012
click here to read Diapason critique
*Strauss, Elektra et Baird
Quels chanceux ces montpelliérains ! Après Hildegard Berens il y
a déjà quinze ans ils ont eu aujourd’hui Janice Baird. Quelles
magnifiques Elektra ces deux chanteuses. En plus des deux
précitées, j’ai eu la chance d’en applaudir deux autres célèbres
dans ce rôle là : Gwyneth Jones à Orange en 91 et tout récemment
Evelyn Herlitzius à Berlin.
Pour rester sur la production de Montpellier signée jean-Yves
Courrègelongue, Janice Baird abordait là sa énième production.
J’ai des souvenirs mémorables de quelques unes de ses
prestations d’Elektra : à Toulouse en 2004 dans la très efficace
mise en scène de Nicolas Joël, à Nantes en 2005 dans celle
époustouflante de Charles Roubaud, à Bilbao en 2007 dans celle
de Peter Konwitschny, qui est pour moi la plus aboutie et la
plus violente, à Strasbourg en 2008 dans la très intelligente
mise en scène de Stéphane Braunschweig, à Berlin en 2009 avec
celle de Kirsten Harms. Toutes les interprétations de Janice
Baird en fonction des mises en scène et des années, sont à la
fois complémentaires et différentes formant chaque fois
l’Elektra unique. On a l’impression que l’interprétation de ce
personnage, avec des facettes à l’infini, est pour elle, sans
limite. Lorsqu’on a vu une seule fois Janice Baid tenant à bout
de bras écartés vers le ciel, vêtue d’un jeans, d’un tee shirt
et d’une veste de laine bleu marine, la fameuse hache objet
central de l’opéra, on est tétanisé à vie. Quel force de
prestance et de jeu. Cette immense artiste qui paradoxalement
est connue et méconnue du public français va faire enfin son
entrée parisienne (mise à part son unique concert à Pleyel en
Salomé) en 2013 dans les trois opéras de la tétralogie de
Wagner. Jean-Claude Meymerit - le 21 mars 2012
click here to read this online |
* Reportage Elektra Montpellier March 2 & 4
2012 |
TeleFrance 3 Culturebox |
http://www.francetv.fr/culturebox/janice-baird-fait-vibrer-elektra-a-lopera-de-montpellier-84077 |
Lohengrin/Ortrud - Toulon |
*En Ortrud, l’Américaine Janice Baird tire le meilleur parti de
la direction à la fois transparente et vibrante de Carella,
imposant de bout en bout une ligne de chant exemplaire,
dardant ses aigus venimeux comme autant de flèches
empoisonnées et jouant à la perfection ce rôle d’enjôleuse
perverse. D’une énergie souveraine, ses imprécations du II
resteront comme un des temps forts de la soirée.
- Concerto
Net |
distribution vocale est vaillante et sans point faible : Stefan
Vinke (Lohengrin), sans les moyens d’un pur Heldentenor, défend
tout de même ardemment sa partition, tandis que le baryton Anton
Keremidtchiev (Friedrich von Telramund) est une belle découverte.
Côté féminin, Ricarda Merbeth (Elsa) est une spécialiste de ce
répertoire, mais c’est Janice Baird (Ortrud) qui se montre
absolument électrisante et remporte tous les suffrages. -
Musique IC |
Un Lohengrin exemplaire avec deux divas de première grandeur
- Please visit this site to read the whole article |
*Var Matin -
uns superbe Ortrud Janice Baird |
*La Lettre du Musicien -
la puissante et expressive Ortrud de Janice Baird |
* Après l’avoir applaudie en Isolde et en Brünnhilde [lire nos
chroniques du 8
mars et du 20
mai 2007],
nous reconnaissons l’idéal métal de Janice Baird qui campe ici
une Ortrud sobrement enjôleuse. Le chant se déploie toujours
large, puissant et sensiblement nuancé
- Anaclase |
http://www.anaclase.com/chroniques/lohengrin-4 |
* Janice Baird se
fasse enjôleuse auprès d’Elsa ou qu’elle darde ses aigus
chargés de venin, son Ortrud donne le frisson.
Forum Opera |
http://www.forumopera.com/index.php?mact=News,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=3399&cntnt01returnid=54 |
Now Online! Opera News Interview June 2009 |
click here |
for the TV Broadcast - of this
Production - click here |
Strauss' Elektra ist
eine bis an die Grenzen des Möglichen fordernde Partie. Janice
Baird fügte ihrer
Kollektion von Lorbeerkränzen einen weiteren hinzu. Sie ist
vielleicht die beste Elektra des vergangenen Jahrzehnts (und
womöglich sogar auch des nächsten). Obwohl sie in schmuzigen
Lumpen steckte,
war sie
doch ganz dunkle Schönheit, mit einer Stimme von
markerschütternd metallischer Kraft, an der sich nichts
gekünstelt wirkt. Sie spielte die Rolle nicht, sie schien sie zu
durchleben- wild, direkt, rückhaltlos, eine echte tragédienne.
Zugleich ist sie eine grandiose Sängerin, der es weder an
Power noch an Reserven (von den höchsten Sopranshären bis zu
tiefen Mezzo-Tönen) fehlt und die ein immenses Spektrum
technischer Mittel zu mobiliesieren vermag.
*Opernwelt April 2010
Carlo Vitali
Dal sogno attraverso la predizione e fino al delitto. La
dirompente, tenebrosa, nerissima presenza scenica di Janice
Baird nel
ruolo della protagonista, declina straordinarie capacità vocali
ed espressive catalizzando letteralmente la tensione drammatica
Giuseppe Condorelli
Una luce fredda illumina la protagonista, Elettra, interpretata
magnificamente da Janice Baird, una donna sola, che appare sulla
scena già con un aspetto tetro, oscuro. Con i capelli lunghi
sciolti, vestita di nero, narra la morte del padre in un tragico,
terribile monologo nel quale il nome di Agamennone viene
sottolineato dall’accordo in mi minore ad opera di corni, trombe
e percussioni.
e l'improbo ruolo del titolo sorretto magnificamente da Janice
giornale della musica -
Alessandro Mastropietro
Una luce fredda illumina la protagonista, Elettra, interpretata
magnificamente da Janice Baird, una donna sola, che appare sulla
scena già con un aspetto tetro, oscuro. Con i capelli lunghi
sciolti, vestita di nero, narra la morte del padre in un tragico,
terribile monologo nel quale il nome di Agamennone viene
sottolineato dall’accordo in mi minore ad opera di corni, trombe
e percussioni. La voce della Baird nell’annuncio della vendetta
mette i brividi, entra nella vene creando un misto di tensione
che si può percepire fisicamente
marzo 3, 2010 -Angela
*ELEKTRA freudiana senza apparati e con
ottimo cast
* Elettra è
Janice Baird: temperamento, forza drammatica, abilità ed
esperienza nel calibrare declamazione e lirismo, gemiti
e carezze.
Corriere della Sera - Girardi Enrico (21 febbraio 2010)
al Teatro Bellini, vero trionfo
La Elektra di Janice Baird è possente nella sonorità,
elegante nella modulazione della voce e infinamente
tragica nel gesto: non della tragedia di finzione, ma
del dolore acuminato, urlato, rancorosa di chi odia
visceralmente, e il suo volto conserva quei tratti aspri
anche quando il dramma finisce
La Sicilia Sabato - 20 Febbraio 2010 - Sergio
* Furente, animalesca, erotica la
Elektra, vocalmente ideale, di Janice Baird
La Repubblica - Sabato 20 Febbraio 2010
- Guido Barbieri
* C'era comunque, come contorno ideale, una ben congegnata
compagnia di canto, al cui vertice è obbligo collocare Janice
Baird nei panni protagonistici di Elektra, cantantedalle
infinite virtù espresse sopratutto con un fiato incredibile che
la ha permesso di sostenere il massarante ruolo in pratica pe
l'intera durata dello spettacolo, di certo non breve. Che dire
di più? Tutto il resto della numerosa compagnia non è
sicuramente da valutare qualitativamente al di sotto della
bravissima e bellissima Baird.
Gazetta del Sud
- 20 Febbraio 2010 - Michele La Spina
* E poi un cast
di primissimo ordine; la strepitosa Janice Baird nel ruolo
eponimo: 100 minuti di canto ai limiti delle condizioni
Giornale di Sicilia - 20 Febbraio 2010 - Aldo
Mattina |
Die Frau ohne Schatten , Opernhaus Zürich
*Volle und
Janice Baird, des Färbers Weib, sind das unmittelbar plastische
Theaterpaar in dieser Oper, die in märchenhaft erfundenen Welten
ebenso spielt wie im kümmerlichen Erdendasein. Sie zanken und
sie lieben sich, sie ist widerborstig und hochdramatisch
enervierend das muss so sein, damit sich ihr Sopran auch
sanft hinabbiegen kann zu ihm, dem warmen Bariton, und dann eine
rührende Zärtlichkeit findet.
SZ vom
15.12.2009 Egbert Tholl
*Dafür wird der
musikalischen Höchstleistung des Orchesters entsprechend
exzellent gesungen:
Janice Baird
als Färbersfrau bewältigt die hochdramatischen Anforderungen im
Mittelakt mit überzeugender Kraftentfaltung.
Die Presse
(Wien)14.12.2009 Wilhelm Sinkovicz
*Belebt und
präsent die Sängerdarsteller; die in der Attacke vehemente
Janice Baird als Färbersfrau.
Rundschau vom 15,12.2009 HansKlaus Jungheinrich
besetztes Ensemble vorzüglich in Szene gesetzt
Er (WelserMöst)
) setzt ein glänzend besetztes Ensemble vorzüglich in Szene:
Janice Baird mit ihrem leicht metallenen Sopran überzeugt vor
allem als Zicke.
Deutschlandradio vom 13.12.2009 Roger Cahn
fantastisches Sängerensemble. Menschlich und lebensnah
gezeichnet ist das Färberpaar… die kratzbürstige Färberin erhält
mit Janice Bairds schneidendem, aber in der tiefen wie in der
hohen Lage markigem Sopran die dramatische Verve.
Der Landbote
vom 15.12.2009 Herbert Büttiker
*Janice Baird
als Färberin erweckte mit durchdringenden Tönen das keifende
Weib und die wie von Sinnen erregte Frau wahrhaft durchdringend
zum Leben.
Südostschweiz vom 15.12.2009 Reinmar Wagner
*Und da
Welser-Möst auch den herausragenden Solisten jeden erdenklichen
Raum zur Entfaltung gibt, wird diese «Frau ohne Schatten» zu
einem Ereignis… die Färberin (mit metallener Sopranpower: Janice
vom14.12.2009 Georg Rudiger
*Janice Baird
als Färberin mit grosser vokaler Ausstrahlung.
Der Bund &
TagesAnzeiger vom 15.12.2009 ,Thomas Meyer
Protagonistinnen meistern ihre Monsterpartien grossartig :
Schlank und kraftvoll Janice Baird als Färberin mit ihrem
metallenscharfen Sopran.
St. Galler
Tagblatt vom 15.12.2009 , Verena Naegele
*Der warm und
sinnlich strömende Bariton des Färbers prallt brutal ab von
Janice Bairds Sopran, der die Kälte der emotional verkümmerten
Färbersfrau mit einem Schuss Gift und Galle zu purer
Verzweiflung steigert.
Neue Luzerner
Zeitung vom 15.12.2009 , Urs Mattenberger
Souveränität, mit der sich Janice Baird auch in den Momenten der
Ekstase dem Orchester entgegenstellt, ist von herrlicher
Neue Zürcher
Zeitung vom 15.12.2009 , Peter Hagmann
hochdramatische Amerikanerin Janice Baird, als eine stimmlich
differenzierende, ungehemmt leidenschaftliche Färberin.
Neue Musik
Zeitung vom 14.12.2009 , Peter P. Pachl
*Daran hatte
auch das hervorragende Solistenensemble erheblichen Anteil.
Janice Baird legt in ihrem Spiel die Färbersfrau weniger zickig
und ätzend an, als es das Libretto nahelegt – vielleicht
deswegen, weil der Gesangspart der Färberin bereits alles
enthält. Und diese Bandbreite an Verbitterung, Wut und
Verachtung für den Ehemann Barak schöpft Baird vollkommen aus.
Eine Wucht.
Suedkurier vom
15.12.2009 , Elisabeth Schwind
*Janice Baird
singt die Färberin mit hochdramatischer Wucht und enormer
vom 15.12.2009 , Oliver Schneider
*Janice Baird
wird als Färberin nicht müde, ihre hochdramatischen Exaltationen
hervorzuschleudern, ohne zu keifen.
Zeitung vom 15.12.2009 , Heinz W. Koch
Zeitung vom 16.12.2009
*Die mit ihrem
ausweglos scheinenden, tristen Schicksal hadernde Färberin wurde
von Janice Baird aufwühlend gestaltet. Ihre Stimme kann zwar
schneidend klingen, wird aber nie schrill oder keifend. Die
widersprüchlichen Gefühlsregungen dieser leidgeprüften Frau
liessen sich in ihrem Gesicht wie in einem offenen Buch ablesen.
Ihr gelang eine darstellerisch und gesanglich überaus reife
Leistung. Im letzten Akt vereinigten sich die (räumlich noch
getrennten) Stimmen von Michael Volle und Janice Baird zu einem
der fesselndsten Augenblicke des grandiosen Abends.
vom 14. Dezember 2009 , Kaspar Sannemann
*Difficile immaginare un cast più valido e coeso di quello
riunito per l’occasione dal sovrintendente Alexander
Pereira:Janice Baird (la tintora)
La Regione Ticino vom 16.12.2009, Laureto Rodoni
*L’Opernhaus a réussi l’exploit de réunir une distribution
vocale de haut vol. La Teinturière de Janice Baird impressionne
par sa puissance vocale
Concertonet vom
18.12. 2009, Claudio Poloni
*Janice Baird
überzeugte mich vor allem durch ihr engagiertes, erfreulich
wenig plakatives, differenziertes Spiel: Bei allem Spott und
aller Aggressivität sieht man eine zutiefst unglückliche,
verunsicherte Frau, und so sind die Sympathien nicht so rasch
verteilt wie in manch anderer Produktion: Beide Partner tun
einem leid. Der harsche, mitunter geradezu schneidende, manchmal
auch über Gebühr flackernde Ton indes, der immer mehr an ihre
Lehrerin Astrid Varnay erinnert, wird manchen irritieren,
aber man ist schon beeindruckt von ihrem vokalen Stehvermögen
und der puren Phonstärke, die zu erzeugen die Amerikanerin
imstande ist, dann wieder von sehr zarten Passagen, die man
nicht erwartet hätte und die viel vom Charakter dieser
Stimme erkennen lassen.
Online Musik
Magazin vom 23.12. 2009, Thomas Tillmann
* Und Sänger
wie Orchester haben schlicht Herausragendes geleistet…die
Fäberin (stimmlich und schauspielerisch ganz stark:
Janice Baird)
students.ch vom
15.12.2009 – Christina Ruloff
Färberin Janice Baird wirkte da schon vitaler – sie schaffte es
von allen Darstellern am überzeugendsten, die Zerrissenheit
ihrer Figur darzustellen.
Klassik.com vom
16.12.2009 – Martin Andris
großartiges Ensemble.
bemerkenswertem Realismus wird die Lebenswelt des Färberpaares
(Janice Baird und Michael Volle) dargestellt in seinem
ausweglosen Elend und seinen spezifischen Beziehungsproblemen.
Neue Tageszeitung vom 16.12.2009 - Anna Mika
Janice Baird als Färbersfrau kann
überzeugend mithalten und vermag auch ihre keifenden Momente
stimmlich ausgezeichnet zu gestalten.
Premierenpublikum feierte einhellig Sänger, Dirigenten und Regie
mit Ovationen, besonders das Färberpaar Janice Baird und Michael
Operapoint vom
23.12.2009 von Oliver Hohlbach
* Mit Janice Baird gelangt endlich einmal ein jugendlich
glaubhafte Färberin auf die Bühne, dabei unermüdlich aus
stimmlichen Reserven schöpfend und immer zu den nötigen
zarten Tönen fähig.
www.musenblaetter.de -
Martin Freitag |
Der RING des
Nibelungen , Seattle Opera 2009 |
Happily, Seattle Opera, celebrating a quarter century under the
erudite leadership of Speight Jenkins, has provided the director
with everything needed to make the staging as moving as it is
monumental. Seattle’s choice of Janice Baird as the season’s
Brünnhilde had been the most heavily hyped opera news of the
summer. Billed by Opera News as the new Wagnerian “it girl,” the
American soprano had the audience understandably eager to hear
what she could do. And the war cry with which Baird made her
entrance in Act Two of Walküre on August 10 was indeed
impressive. Baird dug into the drama in her first exchange with
Wotan her total command of the role and its dramatic power were
She is an intelligent singer who knows this work
thoroughly from European productions and she responded
magnificently to Wadsworth’s direction. That, for example, she
came down from her rock to tell Siegmund that he would die was a
fine touch. Kneeling with her half,brother at the side of the
sleeping Sieglinde, their duet became almost a trio. It was, of
course, as the woman betrayed that Baird revealed the full
extent of her powers in Götterdämmerung. She sang the
concluding immolation with a searing sense of transcendent
tragedy. And that she is a beautiful person of regal bearing
made her an ideal figure for Wadsworth’s approach to the Ring.
Blomster ,
06 Sep 2009
Götterdämmerung is Brünnhilde's Triumph
Yet it is Janice Baird, as
the aggrieved and abandoned Brünnhilde, that brings a gale force
to her role. Her sharp soprano takes hold of every scene, her
wrath a final pronouncement of everyone’s doom, including her
own. She contributes strongly, but not overwhelmingly, to the
thundering trio with Sumegi and Hawkins as they plot Siegfried’s
revenge death.
Baird commands the final denouement, driven by the final return
of the ring to the Rhine, which cascades into an almost
cinematic montage of the world falling both into place as the
heavens collapse.
Seattle PostGlobe -
Gianni Truzzi
"Siegfried" Slays Himself
Janice Baird delivers a masterful
Seattle PostGlobe
Gianni Truzzi
- 08/14/09
It’s a refreshing delight to see the
curvaceous Janice Baird as Brünnhilde, suitable to the part in
physique and age
Seattle PostGlobe -
Gianni Truzzi -
A stellar 'Ring' in Seattle
Baird struggled a bit through "Die Walküre" before gaining her
full heroic stride in the last two operas.
San Francisco Chronicle - Joshua Kosman, 08/23/09
The great revelation on Wednesday
was Janice Baird's Brünnhilde, as potent and gleaming and
theatrically vivid. Once again the direction things were headed
was obvious before she even opened her mouth.
The first moments of Baird's awakening were an intensely
physical display — rubbing one arm and then another, raising her
face to the sun in a worshipful grin of delight, moving each
muscle in her body, and at last turning a slow whirl of
exuberance that would have been an awkward milkmaid cliché under
any other circumstances. I don't know when I've seen the thrill
of being conscious and alive conveyed with such solid
And then came "Heil dir, Sonne," and I practically fell out of
my chair. Here at last was the big, radiant and superbly
controlled sound that you want for Brünnhilde (and especially at
this juncture). And she kept it up all the way through the long
final scene, launching volley after volley of effortlessly
heroic tone over the din of the orchestra and evidently
inspiring Andersen to similar feats. If this version of Baird
shows up again for Götterdämmerung we're all in for a
On a Pacific Aisle
Joshua Kosman (reviewer for the San Fransisco Chronicle
Friday's Götterdämmerung made
it official — I'm in the Janice Baird camp now...
We got a full,blown, vibrantly heroic rendition that was every
bit as impressive vocally as it was theatrically. She's the real
deal. Her voice gets bigger and bolder as it goes higher, and
she had no problem at all being heard over the orchestra in the
more athletic passages of the role.
Nor was it all stratospheric exertions — Baird's more intimate
singing in the emotionally charged second act was shapely and
specific, informed throughout by a very detailed take on
Brünnhilde's travails. I'd also add that she's just about the
best,looking Brünnhilde I've ever seen, which is not
dispositive, but it's not, y'know, nothing either.
This is theater, after all, and when Siegfried starts hollering
about a beautiful warrior maiden, it's kind of exciting for once
not to have to suspend your disbelief for a second.
On a Pacific Aisle
, Joshua Kosman (reviewer for the San Fransisco Chronicle ,
August 21 2009
Janice Baird filled all expectations as a gutsy
Brunnhilde, mischievous and full of life, and convincingly
despairing at the fire,filled end.
The News Tribune
Rosemary Ponnekanti
Both vocally and dramatically, Janice Baird was
such a genuinely electrifying Elektra last October that
expectations for her Brünnhilde were running dangerously high. By
the evening’s end, the sheer intensity of her acting and singing
(had) turning the tide, and in Siegfried and
Götterdämmerung she
went from strength to strength. The voice is utterly thrilling,
and the combination of it with so stunning and irresistibly
attractive a stage presence–she can even dominate by standing
still– adds up to a Brünnhilde of star quality.
Bernard Jacobson - Seattle , 9, 10, 12, & 14.8.2009
Elektra , Palermo |
Essenziale e potente "ELEKTRA" emoziona anche
senza scene |
Svettante e splendente negli acuti,
Janice Baird ne sostiene con forte incisività slanci penetranti.
Levigata e insinuante, appasionata e dolente, ingannevole e
intensa nell'abbandono intriso di dolcezza nell'incontro del
fratello infine riconosciuto, delinea un profilo della
protaganista sapiente nel fraseggion, di forte dominio tecnico e
dale mobili gradazioni espressive. |
Giornale di Sicilia - Sara Patera ,
Sabado 9. Maggio 2009 |
Janice Baird sings ELEKTRA at the
Semperoper Dresden |
January 25 & February 2, 2009
under the baton of Marc Albrecht. |
January 25th 2009
is 100th anniversary of
the world premiere of Richard Strauss´ Elektra,
took place at the Dresden Semperoper, |
and February 2, 2009 will be
the final perfomance of Ruth
Berghaus' famed Elektra production |
*Janice Baird
will be the BRÜNNHILDE in the Robert Wilson
in Die
under the baton of Phillipe Jordan.
Performances will be in November of 2008 |
*Janice Baird
is the BRÜNNHILDE in the SEATTLE RING 2009 |
performances will be August 10,
12, 14; August 18, 20, 22 & August 26, 28, 30. 2009 |
*Janice Baird
will be the ELEKTRA in SEATTLE November 2008 |
*Janice Baird
is ELEKTRA at the Deutsche Oper Berlin 2009 |
*Janice Baird sings
ELEKTRA under the baton Kent NAGANO with the Singapore Symphony |
*Janice Baird sings
ELEKTRA under the baton of Maestro Donald Runnicles at Gala
in December 2008 |
*Janice Baird sings
ELEKTRA at the WIener Staatsoper |
* Janice BAIRD
makes her debut on New York Metropolitan Opera as
Isolde |
under the
baton of James Levine March 14 & 25 2008 |
Elektra ,
Deutsche Oper Berlin |
Le public berlinois a
réservé un accueil triomphal à Janice Baird,
interprète du rôle titre. Pour bien connaître
l’Elektra de la cantatrice américaine, nous
reconnaissons avoir été totalement bluffé par sa
performance. Saisis d’entrée par ses notes acérées
(aigus tranchants et graves saisissants), nous
subissons la fascination de cette énergie vocale
triomphante, d’apparence inépuisable. Cette voix
homogène et d’une puissance impressionnante,
survolant l’orchestre avec une déconcertante
facilité, reste cependant capable de se plier à des
piani subtils lorsqu’il s’agit d’aborder « Allein
! Weh, ganz allein ». Dans cette production,
nous la trouvons plus inhumaine que précédemment, ne
s’apaisant réellement qu’auprès d’Oreste dans la
scène de la reconnaissance. |
ResMusica ,
Vincent Deloge
(05/02/2009) |
'Elektra' in Concert in
Conductor , Maestro Kent Nagano |
Strauss's Clear Success: 'Elektra' in
Concert |
The American soprano Janice Baird brought
the title role to life with an intensity that was at times
genuinely unsettling. Her voice shone with a dark, glossy patina
that endowed even the score's ugliest moments with a spectral
beauty. She seemed confined by the limitations of the concert
platform; one sensed that she wanted to grovel in stage dirt
with dogs, as the scenario demands. |
The Wall Street Journal , Jamie James , January 15,
2009 |
Sober Take
on a Savage Opera
‘I have learned many of the gestures I use in
Elektra in a sanatorium for the insane,’ said
Belgian soprano Mariette Mazarin in 1910, revealing
the depth of her preparation for the role after a
shattering American premiere at which she fainted
during the curtain call.
Perhaps singers have developed stronger
nerves since. Last Friday’s performance of
Elektra at the Esplanade Concert Hall with the
Singapore Symphony Orchestra never reached such
peaks of manic intensity. Instead, guest conductor
Kent Nagano, music director of the Bavarian State
Opera, gave a lyrical yet moving performance in
which all the singers, bar none, could be heard, a
rarity in this most dissonant of Richard Strauss’s
From the opening bars , Agamemnon’s motif,
blasted by the brass , to the final, feverish dance
of death, Nagano was in full control, emphasising
sensitivity and colour over mere volume, never
succumbing to the temptation to treat it as an
exercise in clanging modernism. It was a restrained
and nimble performance, yet explosive when called
The Elektra for the night, American
Janice Baird, complemented his approach. Baird
wasn’t a madwoman or a deranged axe,murderer. She
sang simply as a woman pulled to emotional extremes
by denial , of her desire for revenge, of reunion
with her brother, Orestes.
In the scenes with her sister,
Chrysothemis, intelligently sung by Dagmar Hesse,
she was sensitive and pleading, never histrionic or
neurotic. Her tone was full and plaintive through
its considerable range, and cut through the
100,strong orchestra at will, every blast into the
higher registers taut and crisp, but when needed,
she could take it down into a sensuous whisper.
Her Orestes was 32,year,old Russian bass
Alexander Vinogradov, already a successful Pimen and
Colline in some of the biggest houses, and who
brought a firm, black tone to the role. Singing
Klytemnestra was Swedish mezzo Susanne Resmark, who
impressed with her bell,like lower range and
commanding stage presence. Richard Decker, an
accomplished Tristan, was luxury casting as the
hapless King Aegisth, though his tone was just too
orotund for ‘a woman who performs manly deeds only
in camera’.
The only drawback was the English
surtitles, which were seldom grammatical and never
This savage, mad, intermittently brilliant opera is
perhaps not the best choice for a 30th anniversary
gala, and one wonders what the many children who
attended thought of it (admittedly, it is 100 years
to the month since its premiere in Dresden in 1909).
But it was a great coup. Baird, among the
top Elektras today, is due for three performances in
Berlin later this month. Nagano is himself
conducting the work with his home Munich forces
later this season. Singapore was possibly a
convenient stopover, but opera goers here would
never have cared.
Businesss Times , Chew Xiang ,
January 22, 2009 |
Maestro Donald Runnicles & Agnes Baltsa/Klytemnesta
14.12.2008 |
Enorme Leistung
Freilich bleibt die wahre Königin der Kampfbahn von Ruth
Berghaus Janice Bairds Elektra. Was die 45,jährige New Yorkerin,
die einst bei Birgit Nilsson in die Lehre ging, an diesem Abend
leistet, ist enorm. Und doch ist da nichts Mannweibhaftes, keine
Dauer,Hysterie und chronische Erregung.
Auch wer hochdramatisch ist, kann kultiviert sein. Und sogar
Belcanto,Reste finden. Baird ist eine junge, menschliche
Elektra, die auch Grund zum Lächeln hat.
Mannheimer Morgen , Hans,Günter Fischer 16. Dezember 2008 |
„ELEKTRA“ 14.12.
Schon mehrmals durfte ich der Elektra
von Janice Baird
beiwohnen, umso faszinierender jedoch war es die Künstlerin beim
FESTLICHEN OPERNABEND im Nationaltheater zu erleben. Die Stimme
gewann im Laufe der letzten Jahre an Farbenreichtum und Volumen,
die Höhen klingen glanzvoll und ohne Schärfen. Mit Virtuosität
und Brillanz portraitierte Frau Baird die rachsüchtige Heroine
und entspricht mit ihrer schlanken Gestalt in keiner Form diesem
Typus. In atemberaubender Akkuratesse und schlafwandlerischer
Sicherheit führt sie ihren erstklassigen Sopran durch eine wahre
„ Tour de Force „ von der satten Tiefe des üppigen Mezzo bis in
die traumhaften Spitzentöne und rührt zudem noch mit innigen und
lyrischen Passagen (Duett mit Orest). Im Vergleich mit den
gegenwärtigen Vertreterinnen ihres Faches, dürfte Janice Baird
mit dieser unübertrefflichen Interpretation unangefochten die
Weltspitze darstellen.
Opernfreund , Gerhard Hoffmann |
DIE WALKÜRE, Brünnhilde |
Opernhaus Zürich | November
2008 |
Janice Baird ,Brünnhilde,
Egils Silins
, Wotan
production , Robert
Wilson |
(Fotos © Suzanne
Schwiertz) |
Elektra , Seattle |
Photos Rozarii Lynch |
"Elektra" offers
gooseflesh thrills |
Such a triumphant result would hardly be possible
without a cast of spectacular musical and dramatic
gifts, and such a cast was happily on hand. In her
West Coast debut, New York,born Janice Baird played
an Elektra whose fundamental nobility was evident
from the start, and poured a stream of ravishing
tone over what may well be the most taxing role in
the soprano repertoire. |
, The Seattle Times |
Originally published October 19, 2008 at 12:00 AM |
http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/thearts/2008285516_zart20elektra.html |
"Elektra" alternate cast tries to equal openers |
The second cast of Seattle Opera's "Elektra" had a
hard act to follow, given that Saturday's opening
night had been as compelling and indeed thrilling a
performance of this challenging masterpiece as one
could hope to witness. Sunday afternoon was
excellent too, but not comparably revelatory. |
But she could not rival the voluptuous apparent ease
with which Janice Baird had sailed over the complex
orchestral texture, and as the performance wore on,
she tired considerably, sounding vocally exhausted
by the end. |
See Elektra with Sunday's cast, and you will have an
enjoyable experience. See it with Janice Baird and
Rosalind Plowright and
you will have an unforgettable one. |
Bernard Jacobson
Seattle Times |
Originally published October 20, 2008 |
A searing
Elektra at Seattle Opera |
Superb casting
and breathtaking music making by the orchestra
produce Seattle Opera's most compelling work in many
years. |
the extraordinarily challenging title role, American
soprano Janice Baird etches a company debut that
bodes magnificently for her turn as the
new Brünnhilde
in Seattle Opera's upcoming Ring. Her ample
voice, with its variety of colors and thrilling,
solid low range, never lags in meeting Strauss's
punishing demands. Most crucially, however, Baird
uses her full arsenal to characterize the wildly
ranging facets of Elektra's character. |
Far from
giving us just a bloodthirsty lunatic — although
she's spine,chilling on that front — Baird adds
depth and edge to Elektra's monomania by underlining
the other emotional extremities of which she is
capable and which are so richly depicted by Strauss.
Her sense of utter dejection at the (false) news of
brother Orest's death is crushing, while she sings
with the lush, feverish elation of a lover in the
Recognition Scene marking his clandestine return.
There are even moments when she lets slip a hint of
compassion during her mother Klytemnestra's
narration of her horrific nightmares — not enough,
of course, to sway her from her murderous,
revenge,killing path. This Elektra knows from
soul,sucking dreams, after all, as Baird makes
abundantly clear. |
Thomas May
, Crosscut |
27, 2008 |
No opera
company presents Strauss' searing one,act opera
"Elektra" without the best soprano they can muster
in that demanding title role. If that fact weren't
enough to rivet everybody's attention on Seattle
Opera's debuting star, Janice Baird, there was also
the news that Baird has arguably an even more
important role coming up: she will be the company's
Brunnhilde in three cycles of next year's eagerly
awaited Wagnerian "Ring." |
Fortunately, Baird's Elektra delivers the goods:
powerful singing, strong stage personality, and an
apparently tireless store of thrilling high notes.
This role also marks the West Coast debut for this
American,born soprano, who has sung in many of the
big European houses but isn't as well known here.
She almost certainly will be, with the vocal and
dramatic skills she displayed in this production.
(Baird made a surprise Metropolitan Opera debut as
Isolde this past March, standing in on short notice
for an indisposed Deborah Voigt and earning a warm
reception.) |
King Radio ,
Melinda Bargreen |
October 30, 2008 |
Electrifying "Elektra" in Seattle |
Soprano Janice Baird here makes her
West Coast debut in a stunning fashion. Her Elektra
is tragic and convincing, her voice sweet even at
its most powerful. |
Baird returns next year as Brunhilde
in SO's Ring Cycle,,can't wait to see her then.
Meanwhile, "Elektra" gives plenty of
bang for the buck. |
Rosemary Ponnekanti
The News Tribune |
October 19, 2008 |
'Elektra' a vision of vengeful anger |
Janice Baird smoldered with outbursts like a
dangerous volcano always on the verge of eruption.
An excellent actress, (with) dramatic voice and
superb vocal technique, able to sing over the dense
Straussian score and encompass a range from the
highest soprano to low mezzo, at the same time using
the whole stage. |
PHILIPPA KIRALY , Seattle Post Intelligencer |
October 19, 2008 |
A thin line between madness and sanity
Baird was a powerhouse, dramatically and vocally,
clearing even the loudest orchestral moments without
a hint of a shriek. With her seething hatred and
insanity, Elektra cannot be the heroine the opera
needs unless her humanity is also established. Baird
and her beautiful voice skillfully bring all of
those elements into play, from her frightful loss of
reason to her happiness at her brother's return. |
Maggie Larrick ,
Queen Anne Times |
October 22, 2008 |
Soprano Janice Baird, in her
company debut, gave a spectacular vocal performance
on opening night. She sang throughout the range with
beauty and rich tones of many shadings in nearly two
hours of singing. She sounded as good at the end as
she did at the beginning, with power for the
dramatic fireworks and hushed beauty in the opera's
most lyrical moment, the scene in which she
recognizes her brother, Orest. Her physical beauty
and strength are major assets. |
Mike Murray , The Herald |
October 24, 2008 |
and impressive , Seattle Opera’s Elektra |
Baird, making her Seattle debut in the title role,
completely embodied the half,crazed woman who was
completely consumed by vengeance for the murder of
her father, Agamemnon, King of Mycenae. Combining
her very powerful and expressive soprano voice with
committed acting, Baird’s Elektra commanded the
stage, striking fear in the hearts of anyone she
felt was against her. Baird hit all sorts of
difficult pitches spot,on and with artistry, Baird’s
singing was thrilling – even when she sang about
slaughtering her mother and stepfather. |
James Bash
The Gathering
Note |
October 25, 2008 |
Interview Seattle Post Intelligencer |
KUOW Radio Interview |
Live Radio
Broadcast , Elektra production October 25 at 7:30pm pacific time
on King Radio |
click here to listen online |
* Janice BAIRD
makes her debut on New York Metropolitan Opera as
Isolde |
under the
baton of James Levine March 14 & 25 2008 |
Important Debut at the MET: Janice
Baird |
Janice Baird made her
triumphant debut last night as
Isolde, stepping in for the ailing
Deborah Voigt in this year's
troubled revival of
Richard Wagner's work, she
brought with her over a decade of
international operatic singing. Ms.
Baird's roster of major Wagner,
Richard Strauss, and Italian
roles have been the staple of opera
houses from Tokyo to Berlin, Buenos
Aires to Vienna. She is an
accomplished artist, who began her
career as a mezzo and developed into
a dramatic soprano under the
guidance of such notable Wagnerians
of the past as
Birgit Nilsson and
Astrid Varnay, whom she
credits as two of her most important
vocal coaches. |
But everything changed last night:
she made her official
Metropolitan Opera debut! I
stress official because last week
Ms. Baird was pushed onstage to
continue the role of Isolde when Ms.
Voigt was suddenly stricken with
some kind of stomach malady which
forced her to run from the stage. As
Ms Voigt's stand,in, Ms Baird
finished the performance to great
applause and cheers. |
Last night she got to do it all from
the start. If you were lucky enough
to be there, save your little paper
insert that appeared inside your
playbill. Since Ms. Voigt's
cancellation came in after the
programs had already been printed,
this is your only record of her
debut. |
Ms. Baird's Isolde was filled with
energy and passion. Sure of herself
vocally, and surprisingly
comfortable with the production's
staging and blocking, her Isolde was
a fiery creation whose dark soprano
had no problems soaring over the
intricate orchestration. Only in the
few fortissimo moments of the role
did her voice tighten a bit at the
top, allowing a smattering of a
tremolo to creep through. Isolde's
Curse in the first Act was chilling,
and the Liebestod at the end was
powerful and moving at the same
time. |
It was a great debut which earned
roars of applause and bravos from
the audience, making us all keenly
aware of the kind of talent
available out there which,
unfortunately, does not always seem
to be tapped at the right time by
MET management. Over the years the
MET has had singers step in at the
last moment to save the day.
Leonie Rysanek covered the
role of Lady Macbeth in 1959 when
Maria Callas was removed from
that production, and years later
Plácido Domingo filled in for
Franco Corelli when the great
Italian tenor had to bow out of a
performance of
Adriana Lecouvreur. For both,
Domingo and Rysanek this last minute
coverage was the beginning of their
stardom. |
I hope that it proves to be the same
for Ms. Baird, and that
Peter Gelb and
James Levine consider her for
the upcoming Ring Cycle. She will be
singing the role of Brünnhilde in
Seattle's upcoming new staging of
the Ring. |
Wagner Blog
, Vincent Vargas , March 26, 2008 |
Janice Baird
hizo su triunfal
debut como
Isolda en el
Metropolitan de
Nueva York,
sustituyendo a
Voigt, que
cancelaba debido a
problemas de
estómago. |
Esta accidentada
producción de
Tristán e Isolda al
menos ha tenido
entre ellos, este
debut de la soprano
Janice Baird, para
aquellos que
tuvieron la suerde
de acudir. |
Janice Baird
ha realizado ya
varios roles
wagnerianos, así
como de Richard
Strauss y otros
italianos en teatros
de ópera
emblemáticos desde
Tokyo y Buenos Aires
a Berlín y Viena. Es
una artista completa,
que empezó su
carrera como mezzo y
luego fue
evolucionando a
soprano dramática,
bajo la tutela de
notables cantantes
wagnerianas como
Nilsson y Astrid
Varnay. |
La noche del 26 de
marzo de 2008
esperemos que sea un
gran salto en su
carrera. Era su
debut en el
Metropolitan Opera
de Nueva York. Un
tenso estreno lleno
de cancelaciones,
accidentes e
incertidumbres en el
cartel. Janice ya
tuvo que salir a
escena como Isolda
la noche del 24
cuando Deborah
Voigt, en mitad de
la representación
tuvo una
estomacal. Acabó la
función recibiendo
grandes ovaciones.
Pero fue el
miércoles 26 cuando
tuvo que enfrentarse
al rol desde el
principio hasta el
final, y lo hizo de
forma triunfal.
Quien tuviera la
suerte de estar allí
debe guardar el
programa con la hoja
adjunta de la
sustitución (no hubo
tiempo de reeditar
los programas
añadiendo la
sustitución) , ya
que es la única
muestra de su debut. |
Janice Baird fue una
Isolda llena de
energía y de pasión.
Con seguridad vocal
y sorprendentemente
confortable con la
dirección de escena
y su interpretación.
Su voz fuerte y
dramática no se
oscurece ante la
orquestación. Tan
sólo en unos escasos
“fortissimo” de su
papel su voz se
tensó un poco más en
los agudos. El
primer acto fue
grandioso, y el
Liebestod final
poderoso y al mismo
tiempo emocionante. |
Fue un gran debut,
colmado de aplausos
y bravos de la
audiencia. Los que
estuvieron allí
parecían augurar de
que en el escenario
se encontraba un
gran talento. Cosa
que, por desgracia,
no siempre tienen la
oportunidad de
encontrarse en el
sitio y momento
especialmente en
grandes teatros como
el MET. En ellos, sí
suele haber un gran
elenco pero muchas
veces en los últimos
momentos de su
esplendor. |
Recordemos cuando
Leonie Rysanek
sustituyó el rol de
Lady Macbeth en 1959
a María Callas, y
años después Plácido
Dominto suplantó a
Franco Corelli
cuando el gran tenor
italiano tuvo que
anular la
representación de
Adriana Lecouvreur.
Para ambos, esta
sustitución “último
minuto” fue el
comienzo de una
carrera triunfal. ¿Será
parecido lo que le
ocurra a Janice
Baird? ¿Considerarán
Peter Gelb y James
Lenive llevarla al
Ciclo del Anillo de
la próxima temporada?
Hoy por hoy es
posible. Sólo
debemos esperar y,
desde la
Wagneriana de Madrid
le hacemos
llegar nuestros más
sinceros deseos de
éxito y triunfo en
su carrera. |
Asociación Wagneriana de Madrid
, haga click aquí |
* It
was a distinguished performance by any
standard, including the Met's own. |
Ms. Baird, a dramatic soprano with notable
credits in Europe, sang with gleaming,
resonant tone and was a very feminine
Isolde. Her voice's... size is more than adequate
and, coupled with Ms. Baird's interpretive
and acting skills, made for a compelling
portrayal. She maintained impressive control,
for example, of the dialogue in which she
persuades Tristan to join her in a suicide
pact. |
New York Sun , George Loomis , March 27,
2008 |
Janice Baird, had made her Met debut in that
earlier performance and won warm applause
for her courage and professionalism. This
time she drew cheers for her singing as
well. Given a chance to warm up and sing an
entire performance, she made a striking
impression indeed. Matching Heppner decibel
for decibel, she threw herself into the
emotions of the role as well , the
humiliation and rage of Act 1, the passion
of Act 2, and the grief after Tristan dies
in Act 3. |
Mike Silverman ,
Associated Press ,
March 26, 2008 |
* Ms.
Baird, a native of the Upper
West Side, has sung many
major dramatic soprano roles
in companies around the
world. An attractive woman
with a strong and
bright voice, she was an
honorable Isolde. She had
secure top notes and a
gleaming middle range...
she sang with focus, energy
and stamina, and won an
enthusiastic ovation from
the audience.
Anthony TommasiniI , New York Times , March
27, 2008 |
* Janice Baird has a voice of
considerable power. In the lower register, you can
hear remnants of a former mezzo,soprano, and her
high notes are gleaming and dead,on. She cuts a
glamorous figure, and together they made the most
romantic,looking couple seen onstage here in
"Tristan und Isolde" in many a year. The audience
rewarded them with a standing ovation and seemed in
no rush to head for the aisles despite the late hour
of 12:30 a.m. |
Mike Silverman , Associated
Press/New York Times , March 15, 2008 |
* Suddenly,
in mid,passionate outpouring, Voigt ran off the
stage. And did not come back. A surely flabbergasted
Lehman could be heard singing solo as the curtains
closed and the lights in the orchestra went out.
After a brief pause, a subdued Met spokesman (what
happened to Gelb?) informed us that Voigt had
suddenly been taken ill and could not continue.
Subbing for her would be soprano Janice Baird, who'd
sung Isolde in Rome, Buenos Aires, Hamburg and
* Style and Aplomb
, So the
curtain rose again, with the lovers spurred on by an
approving roar from the house. A tenor who'd never
sung Tristan onstage before, now embarked on one of
music's greatest love duets with a soprano he'd most
likely met for the first time a few minutes before.
Baird, looking youthful in Isolde's curly red wig,
showed off a darker hued voice with a faster
vibrato. And they triumphed. Ably supported by that
old pro, conductor
tenor and soprano got through the rest of the opera
with style and aplomb and no further exchanges
before the curtain fell at 12:35 a.m.
Zinta Lundborg ,
Muse Arts
, March 15 2008 |
* Ben
Heppner was not the only singer to be replaced.
Deborah Voigt also succumbed part way through her
meeting with Tristan in the second act. It happened
suddenly. The curtains closed; the lights went out;
and an announcement was made.
another seasoned singer, better known in France than
in North America, was to take over Isolde. The house
lights went up and there was a pause during which
some disappointed, even angered, members of the
audience stalked out, and those who stayed rumbled
in mild confusion in the hall. Again, an extremely
attractive, slim, young,looking woman appeared on
the stage opposite Gary Lehman. There was a moment
of silence, which gave the audience time to
appreciate that they were gazing at a Tristan and an
Isolde who looked their parts. Ms. Baird actually
projected an impression of innocence, which was
instantly engaging. Her best
passages showed a voice which was both bright and
rich, and beautifully balanced between these
qualities. She brought a warm,hearted sympathy to the part,
which could not help win a response in kind from the
audience. And she closed with an eloquent and
well,proportioned Liebestod, in which she let her
voice out enough to show how judiciously she had
been conserving it earlier. Janice Baird did
excellent work. I believed everyone in the
enthusiastic audience was looking forward to hearing
and seeing her in a part she had been able to
prepare properly. Her Brünnhilde has
been enthusiastically received in Europe. |
Michael Miller ,
The Bershire Review
, March 15, 2008 |
http://www.berkshirereview.net/music/tristanmet08.html |
* After a pause of around
ten minutes to allow her cover to get into
costume, the show continued with
Janice Baird
as Isolde, following a
round of warm and enthusiastic applause from
the Met audience. Although Baird initially
had her eyes glued to James Levine in the
pit, or possibly the prompt box, it did not
take her long to relax somewhat, get into
character and employ her immense
professionalism to give what was ultimately
a more than satisfactory account of what
remained of the role.... when she gave her
voice full reign she was truly thrilling,
revealing a soft,grained but
quintessentially dramatic soprano sound with
a wonderfully easy top and no problems
whatsoever riding the Wagnerian orchestral
texture in such a large theatre.
Scenically, she was everything one could
wish for in an Isolde – slim, beautiful and
youthful in aspect.
The crowning glory of her performance was a
Liebestod of
great beauty and drive in which it almost
seemed as if Levine was holding her hand.
MusicalCriticism.com , John Woods ,
March 14, 2008 |
* Nach
20,minütiger Unterbrechung trat Janice Baird
an ihre Stelle. Mit ihrem dunkler
timbrierten Sopran, rund und
farbenreich strömte, hatte sie nach kurzer
Zeit in die Partie hineingefunden und
erbrachte im Liebesduett und Liebestod eine
vergleichsweise ebenbürtige Leistung. Die
Ovationen des Publikums waren voll
gerechtfertigt. |
Norbert A. Weinberger, Der Neue Merker
4/2008 |
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